Bract Retaining Walls and Excavating, LLC provides construction services, in the area of retaining walls, concrete paver patio and driveway pavers, and excavating work. We will perform construction work in the state of Virginia. We can help you with your project, small or large. Whether it is a small ten foot by ten foot concrete paver patio or a large residential or commercial retaining wall, we will meet and exceed your needs and provide you with value engineering solutions.
We offer several varieties of retaining wall block.We offer turnkey landscaping, construction and hardscape services. If you are in the market for a turnkey job, then we are your company.
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 Elegant water feature in this Anchor Diamond Pro retaining wall in Spring Creek subdivision |
Bract Retaining Walls featured using Eagle Bay Pavers BRW was featured in an article from Eagele Bay Pavers at the Monroe Park renovation in Richmond, VA. EcoBay pavers were used on the job. The historic fountain was restored, there is a police substation, and plenty of eco green walkways were installed. See the full article at: https://eaglebaypavers.com/blog/historic-monroe-park-renovation-features-eagle-bay-pavers/
Concrete Patio and Driveway Pavers Check out our Landscape Paver Picture page. Concrete pavers can be utilized in a variety of situations from walkways, patios, driveways, swimming pools and much more. There are environmentally green pavers known as permeable pavers. Please give us a call to get a quote today. Contact Us.
The Rain Tax - Stormwater Runoff Tax The rain tax is here in Richmond, Virginia. What is the rain tax? How does it affect residential and commerical property owners? Also known as a stormwater utility fee, this fee is used to pay for the city's stormwater infrastructure reapair, maintenance and replacement. Stormwater runoff from all impervious surfaces will be taxed on a square foot basis. Read More >>>
 Monroe Park fountain in Richmond, VA. The renovation work used Eagle Bay EcoBay pavers
 This backyard patio with sitting wall and area to grill will help you entertain with the best of them.
Construction of a dry stack block segmental retaining wall. Our extensive history of succesful projects include a wide range of products. From traditional small six and eight inch block systems form Anchor Wall Systems, Keystone, Rockwood and Versa-Lok; to large multi ton big block systems such as Redi-Rock. BRW can handle all projects, large or small, and has over 30 years of combined retaining wall and hardscape experience.
Retaining walls have different purposes; earth retention, landscaping and aesthetic value. Even to saving a tree like the on pictured to the right. Engineering is required for dry stack retaining walls over four feet in height. Geo-synthetic grid (geogrid) is also required on larger retaining walls. We provide residential, commercial and industrial retaining wall applications.
The Anchorplex System to Build Segmental Retaining Walls The Anchorplex™ retaining wall system offers a unique, nonconventional solution to difficult-site wall construction problems. It’s often possible to build an Anchorplex wall in situations where traditional geogrid reinforcement isn’t an option because of lot lines, rock outcroppings or other obstructions that limit excavation. |
 Tree protection retaining wall at Westminster Canterbury in Richmond, Virginia
Designs of residential or commercial retaining walls.
The desired slope of your landscaped area will determine the size and shape of your retaining wall.
Style, shape and size of retaining wall block are also used in the design process.
One can even construct planters for their yard with retaining wall block. |
 Circular planter wall in the courtyard at Westminster Canterbury, Richmond, Virginia. |
Retaining wall repair. We can provide repair service if needed.
Area of Work: Bract Retaining Walls and Excavating, LLC installs retaining walls and concrete pavers throughout Virginia, but mainly in the areas of Richmond, Petersburg, Fredericksburg, Charlottesville and Williamsburg. If you are out of these areas, please do not hestiate to call us. We offer FREE Estimates.
 Watch time lapsed video of the retaining wall being constructed at the new Washington Redskins Training Facility in Richmond, Virginia |
For additional information, other services, price quotes, please Contact Us or visit our Picture Gallery.
Last updated: Feb 06, 2019, crt | |